Saturday, November 17, 2007

Been there, paid the bill!

We had a great time in Orlando. Mickey and I had a great financial deal, and we both came away smiling in the end. Mickey had a big bill for salaries, electricity for all the rides we rode, and the cost of food for all the meals we enjoyed. All I needed to do was pay the final bill and enjoy the ride. And we sure did. I hope he can continue to come up with good movies like Narnia. I already have my calendar set for May 16th 2008 to see the 2nd in the series come out, Prince Caspian. I didn't get my picture taken with Buzz or Mater, just Mickey. I may have to go back another time to see Mike Wis..owski, because I laughed so hard when my daughter was called out to answer a question about Chester Virginia, a large Island in the South Pacific with the Eiffel Tower. Her answer was, yes... There's a lot about my home I didn't know!

1 comment:

Pastor Mark said...

Jeff, I love this shot. How appropriate for the Mouse to want your very last dollar!