Sunday, December 9, 2007

A New Beginning

How appropriate it was for our pastor to speak from John 3:16 on this day of a new beginning in our church worship center. The message that Jesus said to Nicodemus in Chapter 3 of John is that he needed a new beginning. All that he had done in life was not sufficiently religious enough to please God. The Creater/Redeemer God of the universe said that he needed a rebirth. The human heart is far from God, and God has given us His Son to show us the new way.
We sure enjoyed experiencing the new space to worship. Our pastor reminded us that this building is just a box; and, although a big one and nicely furnished, it doesn't compare to the place of worship that God has placed in our hearts, where He really desires to be worshipped! The new box was almost full, with 951 people. That's still a small chuch in comparison to the 70,000 plus who gather Sunday afternoons in several cities across our land. We have room for growth!


Anonymous said...

Glad comments can be made to your blog annonymously. Thank you for the revision.

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! :) I checked out your blog this morning and wanted to let you know that I did not post the first anonymous blog, even though I did mention it to you yesterday in service! Keep blogging and I'll keep enjoying.